Many arts, or elements, have had an influence on the training within Modern Filipino Kun Tao. While Filipino Kun Tao is its own system, practitioners of other arts will find commonality within the curriculum.
Elements of Other Found Within Modern Filipino Kun Tao
Western Boxing
Modern Filipino Kun Tao is an art form in itself. The arts listed above have all lent ideologies, philosophies, and or principles to Filipino Kun Tao. Modern Filipino Kun Tao is an all-encompassing martial defense discipline that predicates regular training in a hands-on approach. The system uses pieces of other arts to round out its curriculum. It is important to note the advantage Modern Filipino Kun Tao has in a practical setting is that it is free from the historically restrictive predetermined sets and movements.
Modern Filipino Kun Tao is a fluid art form that changes dependent on the abilities of the practitioner and the situation of defense needed. The art eliminates the excess and focuses on the individual practitioner to develop a set of techniques that can be relied upon in any given instance. Modern Filipino Kun Tao has taken the grappling, throwing and falling from Judo and Jujitsu; the striking and movement from Western Boxing, Kickboxing, and Karate; and the weapon-based defenses and intricate footwork from Escrima and Kali.